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Pursuant to Law No. 6698, Community Volunteers Foundation Consent Form


Pursuant to Article 10 of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ["Law"], this Explicit Consent Form is related to obtaining consent for the processing of sensitive personal data of data subjects who have been informed and enlightened by the Community Volunteers Foundation ["TOG"] as the data controller in the "Community Volunteers Foundation Clarification Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data".

I hereby accept and declare that all kinds of personal data belonging to me within the Foundation are subject to the regulations stipulated under the Law and other legislation and that the Foundation has fully and clearly informed me about my rights under the Law.

In this context, as explained in the "Community Volunteers Foundation Clarification Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data", I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data of special nature, especially my health data such as physical disability, in order to provide the best service within the scope of the activities and legitimate purpose of the Foundation within the framework of the legislation on the protection of personal data arising from the Law and secondary legislation and within the framework of the said legislation, to carry out student selection processes to provide scholarships, to ensure the continuity of scholarships and to provide the best service within the scope of the support projects organized by TOG.